Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Into bike heaven....

The journey on from from Cologne was decided for us; all trains to other destinations seemed booked, so we headed to Nijmegen.

The trip to date had been a delight of cycle friendliness, with cycle lanes common in the larger cities, and cars on most trains that can take cycles. The Dutch, however, take it to a whole new level:
  • The train from the Dutch border had roll-on-roll-off facility for bikes.
  • The train station in Nijmegen has a multi level cycle parking facility. Even minor stations have covered cycle parking and bike lockers.
  • Every road big enough to warrant a centre line, also seems to also warrant a dedicated cycle lane
  • where a cycle lane crosses a road, the bikes get right-of-way (at least we think we do!....)

To the south-east of Nijmegen, the countryside is hilly (in the Netherlands!), and we were directed there to find camping. Lucky us.

We chanced on a dairy farm that also offered camping. In between admiring the view, and picking the cherries dripping from their massive tree, we also helped the farmer extract one of his cows that had caught itself in a stall. Simon did the glamourous tractor work, I was directed to handle the ropes - one of which was around the cow's neck. Preminitions of another "bugger" incident, prooved unfounded.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

language. ;) no pics on this one. hope you're all still in tact!